Our dream is that large companies planning DX over 5 years approach ESG and Impact goals with a full roadmap of targeted funding from Impact investors.
We dream that when planning a DX strategy, companies have a complete map of technology and expertise from DX vendors.
We dream of large companies being able to launch well-established DX projects that have been on hold due to lack of funding.
We dream that large companies have a way to lower the cost of money by converting a successful history with a contractor into a reduced factoring rate.
We want medium and small companies to be able to get (even indirectly) funding from world-class Impact Investors.
We want DX vendors and DX contractors to have a pipeline of projects 2 quarters ahead, taking into account technological and expert capabilities of suppliers.
We want DX vendors and DX contractors to have a tool to plan cache flow and pipeline of projects 2 quarters in advance.
We want supplier companies to have a way to reduce the cost of money by converting a successful history of cooperation with a customer into a reduced factoring rate.
We dream of financiers quickly creating financial value for their clients, according to their investment statement, the value of the digital transformation of the business the investor owns, and the value of the long-term impact.
We dream that asset managers receive predictable demand from investors around the world for long-term securities, with the required return/risk profile and the impact of the underlying assets (factoring contracts).
We dream that asset managers get a risk assessment tool for factoring the next phase of a DX project based on the history of cooperation of specific people on specific tasks.
We dream that small and medium-sized asset managers who know the industry in detail will be able to sell this expertise as securities to super large players.
We dream impact funds to grow their endowment, with short-term investments as part of their investment statements, while fulfilling their long-term impact mission
We dream companies to plan for digital transformation without the constraints of a quarterly budget, but with a mechanism to support project, earmarked and contingent funding.
We dream the digital transformation of large companies to result in a cumulative impact across the entire supply chain, new tech adoptions and local communities
We Need to Handle the
Vision Stage of the Project:
- Road-map, BRD, SRS, FRD.
- Vendors & Contractors.
- Funding and Investors.
- Events&BizDev.
We Need to Accelerate
Digital Transformation
Aiming Sustainable And
Long-Profitable Business
- Different Ladders
for the Same Dream
Expectations Management Framework
- Derivative Securities Created With Location Goal Impact Segmentation For Local Endowments
- Derivative Securities Created With ESG Goal Impact Segmentation For Impact Funds
- Securitized Factoring Contract Based On A Pool Of Digital Transformation Contracts Created By Asset Managers Segmented By ESG Or Local Implications
- Factoring
For Digital Transformation Services
- Reverse Factoring
For Digital Transformation Corporates
- Derivative Securities Created With Location Goal Impact Segmentation For Local Endowments
- Derivative Securities Created With ESG Goal Impact Segmentation For Impact Funds
- Securitized Factoring Contract Based On A Pool Of Digital Transformation Contracts Created By Asset Managers Segmented By ESG Or Local Implications
- Factoring
For Digital Transformation Services
- Reverse Factoring
For Digital Transformation Corporates
Sophisticated suit of consulting, SaaS-products and PDFs
used for goals of team-leads and talents, C-levels, shareholders.