Digital transformation road-map builder
DX SWOT Talent road-mapping
Form cross-functional teams internally for each stage of DX projects. Strengthen them with complimentary skills of specialists from contracting companies.
Conduct employee assessments within a company of any size. Without taking employees away from their responsibilities.
Create a profile of internal and external teams for each DX Milestone. Create a framework for predicting the risks and success of a DX project.
Get each employee's matches, their domain, hard skills and soft skills for each stage of a DX project. Create a balanced motivation policy.
The Product Fitted for DX Project leader
The success of the project depends not only on the best IT solutions, but also on how seamlessly they are implemented into the company's practices.
So you'll need people with the skills to quickly train themselves and others and organizational measures to support the core of the changes and insure the core work.
The product solves a major problem in the analysis - huge combinatorics of options, lengthy projects, and multiple iterations to assemble teams because problems will be identified the first time.
Participants, perform the assessment for 5-10 minutes a day. And each participant is tested on all possible projects and teams at once.
Both employee and team reports are prepared at the snap of a finger.
The resulting reports allow you to correctly assess the risks of development and implementation projects. Build chains of teams that reinforce each other at each stage.
And based on this analysis, risk assessment can be used as a basis for financing - issuing securities backed by talent and project leadership.
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